brake pads replacement BMW I3 2014 I01 Owner's Manual

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Things to remember when drivingVehicle features and options
This chapter describes all standard, country-
specific and optional features offered with the
series. It also describes features that are not
necessarily available in your car, e. g., due to
the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and
Breaking-in period
General information Moving parts need time to adjust to one an‐
other (break-in time).
The following instructions will help accomplish
a long vehicle life and good efficiency.
Range Extender The full performance of the Range Extender is
available after a brief operating period and is
only minimally restricted during the run-in
Control of the Range Extender during and after
the run-in phase, as well as the activation of
the full performance, are preset depending on
the system and take place automatically.
Tire traction is not optimal due to manufactur‐
ing circumstances when tires are brand-new;
they achieve their full traction potential after a
break-in time.
Drive conservatively for the first
200 miles/300 km.
Brake system
Brakes require an initial break-in period of ap‐
prox. 300 miles/500 km to achieve optimal per‐
formance between brake discs and brakepads. Drive moderately during this break-in pe‐
Following part replacement
The same break-in procedures should be ob‐
served if any of the components above-men‐
tioned have to be renewed in the course of the
vehicle's operating life.
Using eDRIVE efficiently The concept
eDRIVE operates automatically. Proactive driv‐
ing utilizes energy consumption and energy re‐
covery optimally. Energy recovery is used to
charge the high-voltage battery. It is important
for the supply of electrical components and
thus a prerequisite for an extensive range. En‐
ergy consumption and recovery depend very
much, among other things, on your driving
Optimizing driving style
Performance display The driving style can be optimized using the
performance display.
The energy recovery occurs during coasting
and braking and is displayed in the perform‐
ance display by the accelerator pedal indicator.
Seite 142Driving tipsThings to remember when driving144

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Everything from A to Z
IndexA ABS, Antilock Brake Sys‐ tem 106
ACC, Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go 109
Accelerator pedal posi‐ tions 66
AC quick charging cable, see Level 2 charging cable 158
Activated-charcoal filter 132
Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go, ACC 109
Adjustments, seats/head re‐ straints 51
Adjustments, steering wheel 57
After washing vehicle 199
Airbags 92
Airbags, indicator/warning light 93
Air circulation, refer to Recir‐ culated-air mode 128, 131
Air conditioner 127
Air, dehumidifying, refer to Cooling function 128, 130
Air distribution, manual 128, 130
Air flow, air conditioner 128
Air flow, automatic climate control 131
Air pressure, tires 170
Air vents, refer to Ventila‐ tion 132
Alarm system 46
Alarm, unintentional 47
All around the center con‐ sole 16
All around the roofliner 17
All around the steering wheel 14 All-season tires, refer to Win‐ter tires 174
Antifreeze, washer fluid 72
Antilock Brake System, ABS 106
Anti-slip control, refer to DSC 106
Approved axle load 205
Ash tray 134
Assistance, Roadside Assis‐ tance 194
Assistance when driving off 108
Assist system, refer to Intelli‐ gent Safety 99
AUTO intensity 131
Automatic car wash 198
Automatic climate con‐ trol 129
Automatic cornering adjust‐ ment 56
Automatic Cruise Control with Stop & Go 109
Automatic Curb Monitor 55
Automatic deactivation, front- seat passenger airbags 94
Automatic deactivation of the high-voltage system 196
Automatic headlight con‐ trol 90
Automatic locking 46
Automatic recirculated-air control 131
AUTO program, automatic cli‐ mate control 130
AUTO program, intensity 131
Average fuel consumption 86
Average speed 86
Axle loads, weights 205 B
Backup charging 164
Band-aids, refer to First aid kit 194
Bar for tow-starting/ towing 195
Battery, 12 volt 191
Battery replacement, vehicle battery 191
Battery replacement, vehicle remote control 36
Battery state indicator 76
Battery, vehicle 191
Being pulled, referred to Tow‐ ing 194
Belts, safety belts 53
Beverage holder, cu‐ pholder 139
BMW Assist 6
BMW maintenance sys‐ tem 185
Body work, see Working on the vehicle 196
Bottle holder, refer to Cu‐ pholders 139
Brake assistant 106
Brake discs, break-in 144
Brake pads, break-in 144
Braking, hints 146
Breakdown assis‐ tance 193, 194
Break-in 144
Brightness of Control Dis‐ play 88
Bulb replacement 187
Bulb replacement, front 188
Bulb replacement, tail lights 190
Bulbs and lamps 187 Seite 206ReferenceEverything from A to Z208